Monday, April 18, 2011

Oh, Yes I Did


And I'd do it again.


Miss M said...

Good Job. They only taste good in France anyway.

CSIowa said...

Good for you! I'm not sure I could.

Becky said...

Oh my gag! There is NO way I could do that. Trying sushi was my limit (and that didn't go over too well if you remember). I'm so impressed though!

Alyssa said...

Yum! The French can make anything taste good with all of that butter :)

Hannah said...

I tried escargot in high school and loved them too! I love brave eaters!

Ali said...

I adore them - chewy plus garlic butter - just has to be a winner!

kami @ said...

I just don't think I could...ever... It's the shells.

But good for you! :)

Leslie said...

It's ok. I still love you!

Kelly Sparrow said...

One word - vomitroshus... (sp?)

Christy said...

WOW, that's awesome, I'm glad you did it! I wasn't brave enough to try it when I went but I was very interested in watching other people eat them.

Ginnie said...

Hold on while I vomit onto my lap...

katie said...

Oh, vomit. I have very vivid memories of snails trying to jump and get me while mowing my grandparents lawn each week. It was not a highlight.

Mia said...

EEEEEEEE. I'm proud of you for being brave. I couldn't do it.

Jesse C said...

Awesome. Someday I will try. If I ever make it to France.

Unknown said...

Yum! Sooooo good! Leave it to the French to make something so seemingly gross into something so unfathomably good! They're laughing into their berets at those of you who balk at the tender goodness of escargot!

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